PFD Food Services were keen to invest in a substantial new State and Warehouse Distribution Centre consolidating its Melbourne operations within the one complex.
The head office provides state-of-the-art dry coolstore facilities, and a new dry goods warehouse with a combined total floor area of over 30,000m2. KLM Spatial was the lead Town Planning consultant charged with the coordination of external professional inputs required in the successful delivery of the planning permit and endorsed plans.
The new PFD complex places a high emphasis on safe operations, green initiatives, simplified processes and improved efficiencies to take the company into the future. A range of ‘green’ ecologically sustainable initiatives have been employed including harvesting water to be used for the refrigeration system, truck washing, amenities and plant watering; heat reclamation from the refrigeration systems to be utilised for under floor heating, construction material selection based on low embodied energy content and high recycle potential at the end of life, solar panels and energy efficient LED lighting.